On Friday night I sat in my kitchen surrounded by the body of work I have amassed over the last 2 months and I was proud. Really proud. I was preparing for my hugely talented photographer friend, Jon, to come round early on Saturday morning to take some shots of my work - the next step to creating my website. I couldn't believe that I've created so much colourful, adventurous and beautiful work and that I've been THAT productive between the hours of 8.30pm-10.30pm after some long and exhausting days with Martha.
Reflecting on these months, I noticed that for the first time in my life I feel lighter, emotionally. I have a release for all those feelings that, during long days in the office or commuting on the tube, I would suppress into a giant, leaden knot in my tummy and carry around with me daily (with a brief repose at the bottom of a glass of wine on a Friday evening). My mind is clearer, my thoughts less scrambled and I'm no longer procrastinating about painting or sketching. I'm no longer blocked from starting a painting or drawing by moving from one potential subject to another in my mind. Instead, I'm excited by all the work that has been locked up in my head, just waiting to escape!
Amongst the excitement is a small amount of trepidation about releasing my work to the general public and, of course, the prospect of building a network, selling work and taking commissions. The process of building my own website is a minefield that I'm navigating slowly during Martha's naptimes and when my husband is not using the PC. I'm using a couple of books recommended to me by a fellow artist, Alistair Gordon - you really must check his work out.

Art Inc by Lisa Congdon - great for providing case studies of fellow real-life artists.

How to be an Artist by JoAnneh Nagler - some practical advice which has helped me to focus on the painting!